Visual Basic 6.0 - Вопрос со стороны
Re: Вопрос со стороны
From: "Ларченко О.Л." <lol [@]>
- такого я в Word не нашел. Есть просто Execute,
> но этот метод и применяется он другим способом.
Сорри, я не VBA, конечно "execute". Вот такой код
With Selection.Find
.Text = "123456"
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
if selection.find.execute= true
bla, bla,bla
end if
ну а дальше проблемный сабж....:-(
* Origin: GenDR News Server (2:5020/400)
Re: Вопрос со стороны
From: "Gribkov M.N." <gribkov [@]>
> Selection.Find.ClearFormatting
> With Selection.Find
> .Text = "123456"
> .Replacement.Text = ""
> .Forward = True
> .Wrap = wdFindContinue
> .Format = False
> .MatchCase = False
> .MatchWholeWord = False
> .MatchWildcards = False
> .MatchSoundsLike = False
> .MatchAllWordForms = False
> End With
> Selection.Find.Execute -------------- вот эта строка не нужна!!!
if selection.find.execute= true
bla, bla,bla
end if
вроде бы дальше все должно работать.
Удачи, Макс
* Origin: Demos online service (2:5020/400)
DAO Database.Execute (...)
From: "Terekhin Alexandr" <didinst [@]>
Добрых дней и приятных ночей, All!
1: Можно ли ч/з DAO сделать запрос на выборку Access-овской базе?
Если да, то как это правильно сделать?
2: Hужны абсолютно безсмысленные запросы, просто чтобы были в типовике.
Если не сложно, накидайте в мыло.
Истина где-то рядом, Terekhin Alexandr. E-mail: didinst [@]
* Origin: Алт (2:5020/400)
Re: Вопрос со стороны
From: "Ларченко О.Л." <lol [@]>
> > Selection.Find.Execute -------------- вот эта строка не нужна!!!
Ок, Макс - это сработало. Огромное спасибо. А то я уже искомый текст с
найденым сравниваю....
* Origin: GenDR News Server (2:5020/400)
Это тест
From: "Pavlov Andrey" <andrewku [@]>
Это тест
* Origin: Demos online service (2:5020/400)
Re: DAO Database.Execute (...)
From: "Alexey V. Kanischev" <alexeyvk [@]>
Hello, Terekhin.
You wrote to All on Mon, 4 Oct 2004 06:06:21 +0000 (UTC):
TA> Добрых дней и приятных ночей, All!
TA> 1: Можно ли ч/з DAO сделать запрос на выборку Access-овской базе?
TA> Если да, то как это правильно сделать?
Сделать или создать?
Если сделать запрос, то dbC.OpenRecordSet("бла-бла-бла"), dbC- объект DAO
базы данных, "бла-бла-бла" - имя таблицы, запроса на выборку или sql-строка.
dbC.Execute - это для запросов на изменение записей.
Если второе, то
strQName - имя создаваемого запроса
strSQL - sql-строка, содержимое запроса
Private Sub writeSomeQdf(strQName As String, strSQL As String)
Dim wrkJet As Workspace
Dim dbC As DataBase, qdf As QueryDef, isExists As Boolean
Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
Set dbC = wrkJet.OpenDatabase("тут_путь_к_базе", True, False)
For Each qdf In dbC.QueryDefs
If qdf.Name = strQName Then
isExists = True
Exit For
End If
Next qdf
If isExists = True Then
dbC.QueryDefs(strQName).SQL = strSQL
dbC.CreateQueryDef strQName, strSQL
End If
Set qdf = Nothing
Set dbC = Nothing
Set wrkJet = Nothing
End Sub
TA> 2: Hужны абсолютно безсмысленные запросы, просто чтобы были в типовике.
TA> Если не сложно, накидайте в мыло.
TA> plz
А? Бессмысленных запросов в мыло накидать? :)
wbr, Alex
* Origin: Talk.Mail.Ru (2:5020/400)
Cвой диалог выбора шрифтов
From: "Pavlov Andrey" <andrewku [@]>
Приветствую, ALL!
По интерфейсу есть необходимость сделать свой диалог выбора шрифтов, вернее
встроить выбор шрифта в форму. Как понять, какой из шрифтов растровый, а
какой TrueType или OpenType, чтобы пометить их в списке как это делается
в стандартном диалоге?
* Origin: Demos online service (2:5020/400)
Hi, Albert!
И писано было в лето Господне <03.10.2004 22:13:39>
Albert Einstein письмо Vlad Ryabenko:
VR>> Hавеpное, давай ссылку. Чего эху UUE засоpять?
AE> Это типа оффициальный сайт. Если вдpуг ссылка дохлая, я пеpезалью на свой хост.
AE> А постить УУЕ навеpное и пpавда не нужно, там около 300 килобайт, многовато...
Спасибо. Все на месте.
Best Regards, Albert!
В сети наше счастье, в единстве вся сила, напиток наш-пиво, его только пей,
ФИДО нас навеки дpуг с дpугом сплотила, никто не отнимет у нас сеть дpузей!
* Origin: Interactiv! (2:461/863)
From: Alexander Asyabrik <belmis [@]>
Привет, Albert.
Вы, было дело, писали, 20:13 03.10.2004:
А с другой стороны есть коммерческая штуковина, называется VBAdvance Это AddIn для VB6 с интересным набором фич и
прилагающимися к ним документацией и добротными сэмплами.
Build Features
Console Applications - Create true console-subsystem applications in
Visual Basic that interact with the command-prompt from which they
were launched.
Function Exports - Export functions from DLLs to build standard DLLs
using Visual Basic. Function exports are required for certain
application types such as Control Panel Applets and ISAPI filters.
Having access to this feature allows you to build these applications
using VB. You can also implement the DllInstall feature of
RegSvr32.exe in your DLLs to provide command-line switch customized
registration of your DLLs. Many application plug-ins require function
exports, which means you can now use Visual Basic to create them
instead of having to resort to another language.
Complete Version Number Control - Visual Basic inexplicably omits one
of the fields in your application's version number resource. The
version number standard is as follows: Major.Minor.Revision.Build What
VB normally gives you is this: Major.Minor.0.Build In other words, the
Revision field is always set to 0. To confuse matters further, what VB
calls the Revision field is actually the Build field. Be confused and
frustrated no longer - vbAdvance gives you full access to your
application's version fields.
DllMain - The DllMain entrypoint is used in standard DLLs as a way to
recieve startup and teardown notification. vbAdvance gives you the
ability to use a DllMain entrypoint in your standard DLLs.
DllRegisterServer / DllUnregisterServer customization - An extension
of the Function Exports feature, the ability to override and customize
these two registration exports gives you full control over your DLL's
XP Manifest Resource Compiler - This option automatically compiles in
the necessary XP Manifest into your application in order to support
the new XP themes. This feature eliminates the need to distribute a
seperate XML file with your application and the trouble that goes
along with it.
Terminal Server Aware Applications - Create applications that are
Terminal Server Aware, giving you full control over your app's
behavior when run in a Terminal Server environment.
App Icons - Set your application icon without the need for a Form or a
Resource file. Just point to the icon file and build your project.
Advanced Debug File Options - Strip private information from your PDB
debug files to prevent reverse-engineering of your app when
distributing debug files. Compile the Symbolic Debug Information into
your EXE or DLL and avoid having to distribute a seperate PDB file.
Generate MAP and DBG files for your project. With vbAdvance, the full
list of possible debug file generation options is made available to
Resource-Only DLLs - Build a resource-only DLL from your project's
resource file with the touch of a button.
Dynamic Conditional Compile Arguments - Specify conditional compile
argument values that differ between design time and compile time. This
is particularily useful for the DbgWProc.dll constant,
DEBUGWINDOWPROC, which must be set to 1 when in design mode and 0 when
compiled. Another example would be an IN_IDE conditional to determine
if you're running in design mode, or compiled.
Custom DOS Stub EXEs - VB automatically creates a DOS stub EXE for you
when you build an executable. The purpose for this is to output some
text to the command line when your EXE is run from the DOS
environment, explaining that it is a Windows app and will not run
under DOS. The Custom DOS Stub EXE feature allows you to place your
own DOS stub EXE into your app, allowing you to customize the text
that is displayed or even to run an actual DOS version of your
IDE Enhancements
Check Syntax - Check for syntax errors without building your binary.
Build Button - Very similar to the Visual C++ Build button, this
builds your project immediately. No dialogs are presented after the
first build of the project sets the build path.
Execute Button - Very similar to the Visual C++ Execute button, this
launches your compiled app. A Send Command Line Args option allows you
to send your project's command-line arguments to the executable.
Send Code Module to Text Editor - VB's code editor is decent, but not
great. If it weren't for Intellisense, there'd be nothing special
about VB's integrated code editor. For high-powered editing, many
programmer's turn to a professional text editor. vbAdvance makes it
trivial to send the current code module to your text editor. Just
press the button and your editor will open with the code module you
were just viewing from VB. And when you've made your changes and
return to VB, vbAdvance's Detect Code Module Changes feature will
detect your edits and reload the module for you.
Detect Code Module changes outside of IDE - This feature enables VB to
detect when any code modules in your project are changed by another
process. For example, if you Get Latest from SourceSafe, and one of
your code modules is overwritten with a newer version, or if you edit
one of the modules with a text editor, or even if you copy over a
module using Windows Explorer, this feature will notify you that there
was a change and offer to reload the module automatically, saving you
from having to reload the entire project in order to pick up the
Disable Build Dialogs - The first time you build your project, you are
presented with a 'Save As...' style dialog to tell VB where you want
to build your project and what you want it named. This makes perfect
sense. What doesn't make sense is that even though you already told VB
what to name the executable, VB keeps asking you the same question
every time you build your project - and to make matters worse, it
kindly tells you that there's already a file of that name (duh!) and
do you want to overwrite it? Well, vbAdvance to the rescue! The
Disable Build Dialogs feature prevents those dialogs from appearing
once you've told VB where to build the project. The first time you'll
be asked where to build it, and subsequent times you will not be
bothered. This is the normal behavior of the vbAdvance Build button,
this feature allows you to apply it when building from the File menu
Clear Immediate Window - This feature automatically clears the
Immediate Window when you run your project.
Sizeable Dialogs in the IDE - Ever wonder why all of the standard
Windows common dialogs used by the VB IDE are not sizeable? So did we,
and we took care of the problem. When vbAdvance is running, all
standard Open and Save dialogs are sizeable.
Binary Compatibility File Enhancement - An extension of the sizeable
dialogs feature is found when you select your Binary Compatibility
file for an ActiveX DLL project. It has become standard practice to
use an extension of *.cmp for compatibility files in order to avoid
confusion with the target DLL. Unfortunately, VB's Open dialog
requires a few clicks to change the Selection Filter to 'All Files' in
order to see any *.cmp files. vbAdvance adds the *.cmp filter entry to
this Open dialog and makes it the default selection.
Впечатляет? :) Есть и недостатки.
И главный, то что оно через 30 дней денег просит :(
* Origin: Talk.Mail.Ru (2:5020/400)
Пpиснилось мне 04 октябpя 04, что Alexander Asyabrik пpиходил к Albert Einstein
и говоpил ему о Re: DLL
AA> А с дpугой стоpоны есть коммеpческая штуковина, называется VBAdvance
AA> Это AddIn для VB6 с интеpесным набоpом фич и
AA> пpилагающимися к ним документацией и добpотными сэмплами.
Да... Интеpестно. Только что скачал... пpикольная фишка. Вот только один
важный вопpос:
для того, чтобы ехе-шники, созданые с участием данного Add-Onа pаботали на
дpугих компах, где такого аддона нету, что пpидется таскать за собой еще и
vbAdvance.dll и/или vbAdvance.tlb?
Те, кто юзал этот аддон, поделитесь опытом, плз.
А насчет 30 дней... думаю можно с этим спpавиться. В инете есть только данные
для веpсии, в то вpемя как на сайте, и для нее, то что есть в
Инете не подходит :(
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Albert Einstein.
MailTo: enstainATyandexDOTru,
* Origin: Imagination is more important than knowledge! (2:4624/8.204)